中英對照讀新聞》A child was reported missing. A TV news helicopter crew spotted him on the roof ...
自由時報電子報· 1 天前A TV news helicopter crew spotted a boy who had been reported missing but who was actually up on the roof of his New York City building playing hooky.
大開殺戒!加州男子3小時內虐殺81隻動物 住處起出大量槍枝彈藥 | 中天新聞網
中天新聞網· 18 小時前喪心病狂!美國北加州一名男子涉嫌在三小時內槍殺了包括小馬、山羊和雞在內的 81 隻動物,法官讓他以100萬美元(約3200萬元新台幣)交保,並接受精神評估。
路標上寫著No standing,是指不能站在底下嗎?
工商時報· 7 天前Maggie到紐約出差,和外國朋友走在路上,一路上都看到告示牌上寫著"No standing",她覺得很奇怪,交 ...